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Welcome to Easy Health

With over 380 easy read health resources that include pictures and simple text, Easy Health's information is accessible to anyone who finds written information hard to understand, including people with learning disabilities.

The Deaf Health Charity Signhealth

Our vision is a world without barriers to good health and wellbeing for Deaf people.


ELCAP is a local charity which provides care and support for individuals who are affected by learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health problems.
01875 814114

Deafblind Scotland

For over 25 years Deafblind Scotland has been serving the Deafblind community, sustaining deafblind people’s personal and professional support networks and influencing statutory services and policy.
0141 777 6111

Scottish Mental Health Service for Deaf People

Who are we? We are a new national service hosted by NHS Lothian. We are committed to providing specialist support in Scotland for deaf people with mental health problems across Scotland.
01506 523671

British Deaf Association

The BDA is the UK’s leading membership organisation and registered charity run by Deaf people for Deaf people. The BDA delivers a range of services to achieve its aims of empowering Deaf people to overcome difficulties that they face on a daily basis.

Care equipment and adapting your home

If you’re elderly, disabled or have a long term health condition and want help to live safely and independently in your home, using equipment, technology or making adaptations to your home may be a good option for you. This could include: getting equipment, like shower rails, adapting your home by installing a ramp or widening the doors, using everyday technology like computers or tablets to keep in touch with friends and family, or do your shopping online. Care Information Scotland can advise
0800 011 3200

Learning Disability Matters for Families

It is primarily for parents and carers of children and young people: • Who have been identified as having a learning disability • Who have concerns that their child or young person MIGHT have a learning disability.

Over 60 + or have a Disability? Eligible for free bus travel

If you are over 60 or have a disability, you could be eligible for free bus travel to get around Scotland and your local area. You can access this via the National Entitlement Card, your pass to free bus travel in Scotland.


We’re the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), one of the UK’s leading sight loss charities and the largest community of blind and partially sighted people.
0303 123 9999

Action on Hearing Loss Scotland

As the largest charity for people with hearing loss in the UK, we understand how hearing loss can affect everything in your life from your relationships, to your education and your job prospects.We’re here to support and help you, so you can take back control and live the life you choose From day-to-day-care, to practical information, to campaigning for a fairer world for people with hearing loss, and funding research to find a cure, we’re taking action on hearing loss.

Wheelchair users and Disabled People

If you have physical disabilities, it may be easy to overlook fitness and exercise, but in fact it can bring many physical, emotional and social benefits to your health. You should still aim for the recommended physical activity guidelines of both muscle-strengthening and aerobic exercise. Finding an activity that works for you is key. You can do this on your own but consider contacting your local gym, leisure centre or Scottish Disability Sport and ask if they have inclusive opportunities.

Sense Scotland

Whether it’s for a few hours a day or seven days a week, we can offer you tailor-made support throughout Scotland. Our free advisory service is at the heart of Sense Scotland and is often the first point of contact for disabled people and their families.
0300 330 9292

Enable Scotland

We are a Scottish charity working to make life better for people who have a learning disability – and their families.
0300 0200 101

Disability information Scotland

Previously known as Update, we re-branded in 2015 to ensure that our purpose was clear and easily understood to all. Disability information Scotland helps to guide people through the maze of disability information.
0300 323 9961

Capability Scotland

Founded in 1946, Capability Scotland provides care, education and employment services for disabled children and adults across Scotland. They work with disabled people, their families and carers to provide a creative mix of services that meet their aspirations at all stages of their lives. Their specialist knowledge and broad range of flexible services allows them to promote independence and quality of life for disabled people throughout their lives.
0131 337 9876

Contact Scotland BSL

Video Relay Service for all - this means calls can be made to any service provider (public, voluntary or private sector) including contacting the GP to making an appointment at the hairdresser or booking a MOT for your car ... and everything between!

Access for BSL Users

The Relay UK service provides a centralised relay service for people who are deaf and without speech.
0800 73111 888

Telecare Self-Check Online Tool

This is an easy to use online tool that allows you to find helpful information on telecare services in your area that could help you live independently at home for longer. The tool asks 6 – 12 questions and will take about 5 minutes to complete. Once you have completed the tool you will be given useful information relating to your answers.

Guide Dogs

Guide Dogs wants a world in which all blind and partially-sighted people enjoy the same rights, opportunities and responsibilities as everyone else. Their mission is to provide guide dogs and other mobility services that increase the independence and dignity of blind and partially-sighted people.
0800 953 0113

Deafblind UK

Deafblind UK supports people with combined sight and hearing loss to live the lives they want. Losing your sight and hearing can be frightening. The charity’s team of experts is here every step of the way to show you life beyond sight and hearing loss.
01733 358356

Limbless Association

A support group for amputees or those about to become amputees and their families, carers and friends to seek answers to common problems.
0800 644 0185

Disability Rights UK

Disability Rights UK wants a society where everyone can participate equally.

Contact for families with Disabled children

Contact support families with the best possible guidance and information. For every shape and size of family, whatever they need and whatever their child’s disability.
0808 808 3555